Friday, August 21, 2020

Sushi essays

Sushi papers The Japanese live long, and this is as of now a verifiable truth. One of the demonstrated privileged insights of life span is that they eat fish, a great deal of them.  µ, the feature of their fish cooking, turned out to be extremely well known everywhere throughout the world and had been speaking to Japanese food from that point onward. There is even a word in English: Sushi. There are various kinds of sushi, for example, nigiri-sushi, maki-sushi, and sashimi. In the seventh century, Southeast Asians presented the strategy of pickling. Following 500 years, the Japanese obtained this equivalent practice which comprised of pressing fish with rice. As the fish matured, the rice created a lactic corrosive which thus caused the pickling of the squeezed fish. This was the absolute first type of sushi, and it was called Nare-Sushi. At that point in fifteenth and sixteenth century, a modified structure, Nama-Nare, showed up because of extensive procedure. Following a century, Matsumoto Yoshiichi of Edo presented the utilization of rice vinegar into the sushi rice to include a kind of poignancy. Outstanding amongst other known sorts of sushi, nigiri, wasn⠁ft presented until 1820⠁fs by Hanaya Yohei of Edo. His pieces, which included new cut crude fish joined with the vinegared rice, were arranged and served for clients legitimately from his convenient sushi slow down. It in the long run prevailed upon quick requests the country and plunged the sushi bars of today. One of the ordinary nigiri sushi we eat is maguro, fish sushi. I would say, there⠁fs one fish sushi, yet a significant number, for example, a tuna fish, a white fish, a greasy fish, and the ordinary fish. Much the same as other sushi, vinegared rice and a bit of fish are, in any event, required to make a fish sushi. When they are prepared, by taking a little bit of the rice to the center of a hand, squeezing it with fingers to make it structure pleasantly round and genuinely long, and putting a cut fish on it, maguro is made. Another run of the mill sushi is maki-sushi. This sushi contains segments of fish or vegetables ro ... <!

Sunday, July 12, 2020

Topics for Psychology Case Studies

Topics for Psychology Case Studies Student Resources APA Style and Writing Print Topics for Psychology Case Studies By Kendra Cherry facebook twitter Kendra Cherry, MS, is an author, educational consultant, and speaker focused on helping students learn about psychology. Learn about our editorial policy Kendra Cherry Updated on December 10, 2019 Ridofranz / Getty Images More in Student Resources APA Style and Writing Study Guides and Tips Careers At some point in one of your psychology classes, you might be asked to write a case study  of an individual. What exactly is a case study? It is essentially an in-depth psychological investigation of a single person or group of people. Case study topics often focus on people who are experiencing symptoms of an illness or on people who have had experiences that cannot be replicated in a lab. What Should Your Case Study Be About? The format of your case study might vary depending upon the requirements of the assignment and your instructors expectations, but most include a detailed background of the individual, a description of the problem the person is facing, a diagnosis, and a description of an intervention using one or more therapeutic approaches. Of course, the first step in writing a case study is to select a subject. In some cases, you might be allowed to conduct a case study on an actual volunteer or on someone you know such as a friend or family member. In other cases, your instructor might prefer that you select a less personal subject such as an individual from history or a famous literary figure. Psychology Case Study Ideas Looking for a good subject for your case study? Here are just a few ideas that might inspire you: Write About a Famous Psychologist Famous or exceptional individuals can make excellent case study topics. There are plenty of fascinating figures in the history of psychology who would make for an interesting case study. Sigmund Freud, Harry Harlow, Erik Erikson, B. F. Skinner, and many other famous thinkers led interesting lives that offer plenty of material for a great case study. Examining their upbringing, experiences, and lives can provide insight into how they developed their theories and approached the study of psychology. Focus on a Famous Patient in Psychology Some of the most famous people in psychology sometimes arent psychologists at all. Instead, the patients, clients, and cases studied by psychologists might prove even more interesting. Think of people like Anna O., Phineas Gage, and Genie. Other individuals you might want to consider include Kitty Genovese, Little Albert, and David Reimer. By taking a closer look at the lives of these patients, you can gain greater insight into their experiences. It can also be interesting to see how mental health treatments were different in the past compared to those that might have been used today. Write About a Famous Historical Figure Other famous historical figures can also make excellent case study topics. Eleanor Roosevelt, Napoleon, Adolf Hilter, George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, and many other famous (and infamous) people could potentially serve as a subject for your case study. Obviously, this will involve some reading and research on your chosen subjects life and accomplishments, but it could certainly make for an interesting paper. Focus on a Fictional Character or a Famous Literary Figure Another fun and interesting approach is to conduct a case study of one of your favorite fictional characters. You might opt to tackle a classic character such as Shakespeares Macbeth or Romeo or Jane Austens Elizabeth Bennet or Fitzwilliam Darcy.  Or instead, you might opt to focus on a more contemporary literary character such as Suzanne Collinss Katniss Everdeen or J.K. Rowlings Harry Potter. Write About Someone You Know In some cases, your instructor may allow you to write your case study on a person that you know. Such a project may, however, require special permission from your schools Institutional Review Board. You may also be required or simply prefer to use a pseudonym in order to protect the identity and privacy of your subject. This type of project often requires interviewing your subject and possibly talking to other sources who know the subject such as friends and family members.   A Word From Verywell As you can see, there are plenty of great options out there when selecting a subject for your case study. First and foremost, always start by paying attention to the directions given by your instructor. In many cases, there will be specific guidelines about whom and what you are allowed to write about. Talk about your case study topic idea with your instructor before you begin to make sure that you have permission to proceed with your project.

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Analysis Of `` On Political Labels `` By Christopher...

â€Å"On Political Labels† by Christopher Borick and â€Å"Four Words That Will Decide the Election† by David Green both deal with how language is used in politics. Borick’s essay is a more historical and informative of the origins of political language and key words, while Green’s essay is a game plan for the Democrats to defeat the Republicans by using their own rhetoric against them. David Green makes great points in his essay, but because of his left wing bias and his overall view of Republicans being almost idiots discredit his essay. This is because of the multiple schools of thought that aren’t taken into account for in his essay. Borick’s historical analysis of political terms gives the reader a greater understanding on the rebuttals the Democrats and Republicans can use, but his overall naà ¯ve tone on politics today makes his essay almost utopian or unrealistic. Since both essays were written before the 2012 election, they have som e outdated views because of our current changing political climate. The current political climate has made the Democratic Party is leaning more European Socialist, while the Republican Party is being dominated by any reactionary movement that is prides itself on nationalism and anti-immigration rhetoric. â€Å"On Political Labels† explains the evolution of the words: liberal and conservative. He goes into detail that back in the 19th century and early 20th century a liberal was one that believed in less regulation and less government in your personal

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Ancient Greece And Ancient China - 810 Words

Ancient civilizations are a big part of history but we wouldn’t know them as they are today without them going through and facing all the problems. China and Greece had many of the same problems but solved them differently. I believe that Greeks solved their problems in a better way than Chinese. Ancient Greece was a very powerful and thrived. The empire of Ancient Greece spread over Europe all the way to France. Ancient Greece has a big influence on what we have today. For example, we get many different kinds of art and architecture from Ancient Greece. The columns on the White House have the same kind on the acropolis. Athens and Sparta are most famous out of all the cities in Greece. Ancient Chinese are known for accomplishing great structures such as the Great Wall of China and many temples. China had many different emperors during Ancient China times. Like nowadays China was a great country that thrived. Many things we use now is made from ancient chinese and they still make almost everything we own. Ancient Greece and Ancient China had many differences but were also alike in some ways. They were similar because the both treated woman with little or no respect. Woman had hardly if any say and will in what they did. They are also similar for their economy. They both thrived in trade and had many trade routes. Trade made them wealthier than ever. Though these two ancient civilization have much in common they also were different in many ways. For example, theyShow MoreRelatedAncient China Versus Ancient Greece Essay1008 Words   |  5 PagesAncient China Versus Ancient Greece Ancient China and Ancient Greece were two vastly different civilizations with different cultures; they shared a multitude of similar political, economic, and philosophical achievements while also inholding multiple differences. The centralized government of China differed from the independent city-states of Athens. A similarity that both civilizations held in regards to politics would be the role, or lack thereof one, that women played within their respectiveRead MoreSimilarities Between Ancient Greece And China Essay1224 Words   |  5 Pages1. Using three civilizations as examples, describe the concept of the Axial Age The concept of axial age was introduced into the sphere of philosophical knowledge by German existentialist philosopher Karl Jaspers for characterizing the period of ancient history during about the 8th to the 3rd century BC. In this period of time we have developed a fundamentally new religious beliefs and doctrines that promoted human and cultural values of the era. Jaspers described the Axial Age as an interregnumRead MoreScientific and Mathematical Contributions of Ancient Greece, China, and India1112 Words   |  4 Pagesmathematical skills and theories from ancient civilizations. Ancient Greece is often known for its strong advancements in philosophy. Ancient China is most well known for its inventions. The Ancient Indian civilization is usually not viewed as an important society in ancient history because they kept very few written records. Most people dont know just how important Ancient India actually was in history. The scientific and mathematical contributions of Ancient Greece, China, and India have all had a greatRead MoreClassical Civilizations of Ancient Greece, Rome, and China Essay897 Words   |  4 Pagescivilizations of Greece, Rome, and China have done this, but what sets them apart from the others is their lasting significance and lasting impact they had on the world. For this reason, they are considered classical civilizat ions. To describe how Greece, Rome, and Han China are classical, there are three systems that are used; these are Economic, Social, and Political. Out of these three classical civilizations, Greece came first in history. An important invention of Greece was its plumbingRead MoreChinese vs Greeks when It Comes to Influence708 Words   |  3 PagesChinese and the Greeks had the most influence. Emphasis should be placed on how Greek culture has spread farther and affected the world in ways the Chinese was unable to. We can see most roots of modern Western culture lying within the Ancient Greek. Ancient Greece had a very large impact on todays’ modern world. The Greeks developed many amazing inventions, and ideals that have shaped our society. The various fields that were advanced include architecture, democracy, philosophy, science, and socialRead MoreWomen During The Roman Empire921 Words   |  4 PagesAside from ancient Greece and China, there has also been much diversity and contradictory evidence for women in the Roman Empire. On one hand, the cultural assumption was that women were inferior to men and they should obey their husbands or fathers. While, on the other hand, there is scattered evidence that women were engaged in commerce, heading of the household, and influencing politics. An approach to this second assumption was suggested that their participation by women in all these affairsRead MoreWomen Of The Roman Empire1022 Words   |  5 PagesIn the Roman Empire, and in most ancient societies, the role and status of woman has been obscured by the bias of ancient male writers. Just as women are viewed in ancient Greece, and Imperial China, women in the Roman Empire were viewed as inferior to men. In the Roman Empire it was believed that women should be under the control of a guardian, which controls the aspects of her life. This guardian could be her father, husband, or a male relative (Nystrom). Marriage in the Roman Empire was not romanticRead MoreThe Impact Of Freedom On Ancient Greece And Modern America945 Words   |  4 Pageswhether a society is ‘free’ based on a combination of identifying some general characteristics, as well as considering constraints that may arise from that society’s place in time or geographic location. Thus, the following comparison of freedom in Ancient Greece and Modern America will consist of an identification of similar and differing characteristics of the two, as well as an application of a ‘historical lens’ that accounts for constraints. Oxford Dictionary defines freedom as â€Å"the power or rightRead More Contributions of Ancient Civilizations Essay820 Words   |  4 Pagesdevelopment of social classes, and cities. Early civilizations such as ancient Greece, classical Rome, Mesopotamia, and classical China have made many contributions to society that still affect people in the modern world. The inventions, progress, and contributions of the people of these ancient civilizations and others have shaped the world that we all live in today. Ancient Mesopotamia was one of the first of the ancient civilizations. It formed in present-day northeastern Egypt, in the FertileRead MoreHow Did Ancient Greece Influence Western Civilization951 Words   |  4 Pages The Western world was highly influenced by the ancient Greeks. The Greeks changed the way the world looks at art, math, architecture, philosophy, sports, and drama. Without the ancient Greeks, the modern world would not be the same. Men such as Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle changed the way we look at philosophy. The Athenians created the first known democracy, setting the stage for future governments. The Euclidian Theorem and the Pythagorean Theorem among others made mathematics easier and more

The Fight Against Comparison Essay Topics for College

The Fight Against Comparison Essay Topics for College A Secret Weapon for Comparison Essay Topics for College To prove my point, it'll be instructive to compare the 2 roles in detail. Also, there aren't any werewolves in Dracula. For example an individual may select a topic like, life in the shoes of a werewolf. For example, you may try to spell out the way that it tastes to be Dracula. The Little-Known Secrets to Comparison Essay Topics for College Consult our writers for help and you will receive an essay written to all of your requirements. There are plenty of sources from where you're able to gather information on your subjects but ensure you always go with facts. Write them down and get started researching to get informed and evaluate whether it is possible to come across enough evidence for some specific subject. Thirdly, do a literature review to be able to bring the essential particulars. The Number One Question You Must Ask for Comparison Essay Topics for College For that reason, it is sometimes an excellent concept to work with other college students in regards to thinking of good ideas to write about, as you are able to listen to any judgments and opinions they may have about any ideas you may consider. Naturally, writing is among the major learning programs in any critical school institution. For instance, if you're working with of a college students then they may suggest a thought that you may not otherwise have thought of, which you may then also use for additional inspiration. Students who excel in writing about such complex topic could have an opportunity to be enrolled into a number of the ideal Art universities to come up with their abilities and talent. You are able to restate your thesis statement and point out a number of the arguments used over the whole essay that backs it up. List the focal points that you should compare in your essay following a specific pattern. Without this, you won't be in a position to compose an outstanding essay you will need to find a very good grade. The response to the disturbing question like how to compose a compare and contrast essay starts with the structure of this kind of academic writing. When you are requested to compose a compare and contrast essay, you are able to choose to write it either way but it's really important to make certain that you keep it organized. If you have enough time, you need to take a look at some basic outlines and patterns of how to generate your comparative essay passable. Take notes while reading the materials it's a good head-start! Place an order now to receive your essay punctually. Before you even begin writing it is extremely important to select the topic that will set you in advantage. You see that it's an unusual topic that might be quite tricky to imagine or explain, but some students might just turn that topic into a masterpiece. You must research the selected topic and discover facts to contradict your primary thesis. You should research your topic to select three claims. To compose a high-quality paper, you've got to understand how to select your topic properly and utilize it to create a practical outline. It might be easier to select an immediate topic to compose your paper on. The Foolproof Comparison Essay Topics for College Strategy You've got a complete collection of things to compare. Actually, in addition to being in a position to help each other in regards to assessing whether a topic will be intriguing, you may also help one another to think of a very good concept to write about in the very first place. You won't need to be worried about deadlines anymore because everything is going to be taken care of for you! As soon as you get started considering these factors, you will have a whole lot of ideas popping up in your mind. You may use the suggested topics as inspiration for your own, or yo u could simply opt to write about one you enjoy the most. With these strategies, you can develop interesting and exceptional topics in almost no time in any respect. The topics you'll find here require an exceptional approach as you attempt to think of useful and accurate content. To find out more about the key to interesting and exceptional essay topics, have a look at a number of the secret strategies utilized by the world's best essay developers. In the majority of the scenarios, you ought to look for items to compare that have some differences but similarities also. Merely mentioning the similarities and differences isn't enough if one can't analyze the key ideas. Then you can begin to compose a generalized paper discussing the similarities and differences between the 2 topics. So now you understand how to pick the best compare and contrast topics and the various segments you want to address when writing.

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Monetary Policy Essays - Public Finance, Monetary Economics

Monetary Policy U.S. monetary policy affects all kinds of economic and financial decisions people make in this country?whether to get a loan to buy a new house or car or to start up a company, whether to expand a business by investing in a new plant or equipment, and whether to put savings in a bank, in bonds, or in the stock market, for example. Furthermore, because the U.S. is the largest economy in the world, its monetary policy also has significant economic and financial effects on other countries. The object of monetary policy is to influence the performance of the economy as reflected in such factors as inflation, economic output, and employment. It works by affecting demand across the economy?that is, people's and firms' willingness to spend on goods and services. While most people are familiar with the fiscal policy tools that affect demand?such as taxes and government spending?many are less familiar with monetary policy and its tools. Monetary policy is conducted by the Federal Reserve System, the nation's central bank, and it influences demand mainly by raising and lowering short-term interest rates.

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Simple harmonic motion of a simple pendulum Essays

Simple harmonic motion of a simple pendulum Essays Simple harmonic motion of a simple pendulum Paper Simple harmonic motion of a simple pendulum Paper Essay Topic: Simple To work out the value of acceleration due to gravity (g), by using the principle of kinematics of simple harmonic motion of a simple pendulum.  Introduction-  The theory involved here is the motion of the simple pendulum under the influence of acceleration due to gravity. The research question here says that the value of acceleration due to gravity is an unknown variable and this has to be calculated out using the equation that relates the time period of one oscillation of a simple pendulum (made up of a string with negligible mass and a mass bob having a certain predetermined and set mass) and the length of its string and acceleration due to gravity by the following relation: This investigation is particularly useful in the real world as it gives us a value of the variable acceleration due to gravity, which influences all spheres of mechanics. The equation is also useful as I help determine the value of time that the pendulum will take in one oscillation, thus having applications in instruments such as clocks etc.  Hypothesis-  According to my prior understanding and visualizations the investigations undertaken will yield the required results effectively and with efficiency. The length of the pendulum would include the length of the string as well as the diameter of the mass bob and the length of the hook as well. When the pendulum suspended from a stand is set into oscillation the time periods T of the oscillations of different lengths l will help us in determining the value of g. As the length of the string is increased, the time period of the oscillations will also increase but the value of g will not as it is constant for a place always. The accepted value for g (in Paris) is 981Nkg-1 according to .We should get a value of g of the range of the value above stated. The master equation also as stated earlier will be modified in order to calculate out the value of g. The basic theory behind the experiment is that the value of the time period taken by the pendulum in one oscillation is influenced by the length of the string which is supporting the pendulum and the value of acceleration due to gravity. By modifying the equation stated above as follows, the value of g can be found out using a simple equation. The variables in the experiment are g which is acceleration due to gravity which is our measured variable; T is time period which is the dependent variable which we be observing; l is length of the entire pendulum out of which we will be controlling only the length of the string as the length of the hook and the mass bob will be the same; finally ? is the constant variable. 1. Tie the string to the mass bob of unknown weight and suspend it from the table stand as shown in the diagram. Make sure that the two small blocks of wood are in such a position that they clamp the pendulum and they are in turn clamped by the clamp of the stand.  2. In order to get proper value that will be finally calculated out I have decided to take 5 readings of the oscillations of the pendulum using four different lengths of the pendulum (20cm to 90cm) so as to remove most possibilities of random errors. 3. To begin with the length of the string of the first reading is determined so that the length of the mass bob may also be incorporated in it so as to get a convenient length of the pendulum.  4. When the apparatus is set up as shown in the diagram described earlier, the pendulum is taken and set to a particular angle not more than 15 degrees from its mean position.  5. the pendulum is then left and it sets into motion. The time period for 10 oscillations is seen and recorded with a stopwatch. 6. To obtain the mean value of one oscillation of the pendulum of length 30cm, the total time taken for all oscillations is divided by 10 which is the number of oscillations which the pendulum is allowed to swing for.  7. This procedure must be repeated four more times and then after the data has been collected for all five times, the average value of these will be taken as the final reading of the time period of the simple pendulum of length 20cm.  8. Repeat the entire process of experimentation with all the different lengths of the pendulums and tabulate the data.  9. After tabulation of data, it must be processed to obtain the appropriate results. The data collection and processing aspect is seen later in this report. Collection of Data   On taking readings with vernier calipers, the diameter of the mass bob was found out to be 2.55cm. The vernier calipers showed a positive zero error of 0.09cm. Thus the diameter was found out to be 2.55 0.09 = 2.46cm. The radius of the mass bob is thus 1.23cm. The length of the hook again measured with vernier calipers was found to be 1.25cm, which after adding for the zero error will be 1.25 0.09 = 1.16cm. Thus the length of the entire system of the mass bob and the hook is 2.39cm.

Sunday, March 1, 2020

How to Earn an Online High School Diploma as an Adult

How to Earn an Online High School Diploma as an Adult Adults who didnt graduate high school realize that getting a high school diploma can improve their employment prospects and make them eligible for workplace promotions. But most don’t have the leisure of spending seven hours a day on a school campus. Online high school diploma programs offer adults the chance to schedule school work at their convenience and complete courses at their own pace. Why Degrees Are Important Before enrolling in an adult online high school diploma program, think about your needs. Completing a high school diploma can give bring personal satisfaction and can make you more competitive for some jobs. You may need a high school diploma to join the military or be hired at some entry-level jobs. And there are other options for adult education. If you have the skills and are willing to spend a couple of years in class, you may be able to go straight to a community college and complete an associate’s degree. This may be the best choice for advanced students who plan on attending college anyway. Alternatively, you may decide to take an exam and earn a GED. This choice appeals to students who have several years of remaining high school credits and would prefer a quick fix. Make sure to weigh all your options before you make a choice. Online School With Adult Programs If you decide that earning an online diploma is the best choice, the next step is to choose an online high school program. Make sure the school you select is accredited by the proper organization. Schools that are regionally accredited are the most widely accepted by employers and colleges. Many employers and colleges also accept credits from schools accredited by the Distance Education Training Council. However, a diploma from these schools will not be as commonly accepted. Make a list of questions to ask each online high school you consider. Find out: Whether the high school has an accelerated program for adults.Whether it provides support for students who need help.How much work you will need to complete. Tuition and Financial Aid If you are in your late teens or early 20s, you may qualify to finish your education at an online charter high school for free (depending on your state law.) Otherwise, you will need to pay for your classes. Ask the online high school you select whether there are any tuition assistance or financial aid programs. Many online high schools offer adult students a tuition payment program that allows payments to be spread out over a semester instead of a lump sum due at the beginning of classes. If tuition is still too steep, you may be able to qualify for an educational loan. Talk to your school and your bank. Complete the Required Courses Finishing your online high school courses may take several years or just a few weeks. As an adult, it can be difficult to manage school responsibilities in addition to a busy life. But know that your sacrifices will be worth it. Once you’ve earned your online high school diploma, take the time to celebrate. Hang your new diploma on the wall. You now qualify for a greater number of jobs and are eligible for more workplace promotions. Plus, you have the personal satisfaction of knowing you completed a worthwhile goal.

Thursday, February 13, 2020

20th Centry Music history Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

20th Centry Music history - Essay Example g seems concluded at the end of the piece (which is not to say it is in any way bad.) During much of his life Glass has collaborated with other artists: some of them actors and playwrights, some of them movie directors, and others comedians or painters. Certainly this cross-pollination has effected and improved his music immeasurably. Many people consider his masterpiece to be an opera called Einstein on the Beach, which is about five hours long and without an intermission. In this very interesting piece, the music is like a repeating cycle that does not resolve the existential anxiety at the centre. It is both an exhilarating and saddening piece of music. But Philip Glass is most famous for introducing art music to the general public and expanding the range and modes in which it can be communicated to people. This can especially be seen in his collaboration with the director Godfrey Reggio in the movie Koyaanisqatsi, a Hopi word meaning â€Å"life out of balance.† The purpose behind the film is to show how the world of human beings and their machines is very different than the natural world and may even be a blight on the natural world. In this magical film, the contemporary world’s technologies and mechanisms are filmed at various speeds and set to a strange and repetitive music that seems in some way to inspire and provide a counterpoint to the endless motion. The camera takes a wide-angle so as to capture as much life as possible. Some scenes show rockets taking off, others depict factory workers, others show huge parking lots full of cars, still other endless sunrises and sunsets. The effect, when combined with Glas s’s music is overwhelming, but somehow neither euphoric nor depressive. As the New Yorker critic Alex Ross wrote in 2005: Composers usually enter the filmmaking process late in the game. They’re given a few weeks to add music to the mix, often under strict instructions as to mood and style; they’re essentially applying a finishing coat of

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Fire Protection Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Fire Protection - Essay Example Even if is not the primary extinguishing agent, it may be found combined with other agents such as foam or may be used extensively for cooling containers in liquid petroleum gas (LPG) fires. It is essential that every fire fighter understand the behaviour of water in difference circumstances. Most of the motions that we find on earth involve friction. Friction is a force which occurs when two surfaces rub against one another. If you roll a ball slowly across the floor, the ball's speed decreases and eventually it stops. It stops because the friction between the ball and the floor pushes against the ball and reduces its motion. When you rub your hands together, you feel the resistance due to friction. By rubbing your hands together, you are doing work. The result of this work is the heat produced. Water when pure is colourless, odourless, and liquid with a molecular composition to two atoms of hydrogen combined with one atom of oxygen. A liter of water has a mass of 1 kilogram (1 kg), corresponding to a downward force of 9.81 newtons (N). A cubic meter of water exerts a downward force of 9810 N, or 9.81 kilonewtons (kN). This is more commonly reckoned as 10 kN. The mass of water varies with the degree of purity. Ordinary sea water 'weighs' approximately 10.0 newtons per liter (N/litres). Pure water has a freezing point of 0... It is virtually incompressible, and an increase of 1 bar only causes a decrease in volume of 0.000 002 per cent. As a fluid, water has volume but is incapable of resisting change of shape, i.e. when poured into a container it will adjust itself irrespective of the shaper of the latter, and will come to rest with a level surface. This is because there is very little friction or cohesion between the individual molecules of which water is composed. 2. PrincipalCharacteristicsofPressure There are six basic rules governing the principal characteristics of pressure in liquids. These are: a. Pressure is perpendicular to any surface on which it acts If a vessel having flat sides contains water, and that water has attained a position of rest, then the pressure on all sides of the vessel due to the weight is perpendicular to those sides, as shown by the direction of the arrows. b. Pressure at any point of a fluid at rest is of the same intensity in all directions In a line of piping or hose, two pressure gauges are inserted. If the water is at rest because a valve or hand-controlled branch has been shut down, the pressure gauges will register identical readings showing that the pressure at any point of a fluid at rest is the same in all directions. c. Pressure applied from outside to a fluid contained in a vessel is transmitted in al directions A hollow sphere with pressure gauges around the circumference has been filled with water, and pressure is applied. All the gauges will show the same pressure reading, providing that when pressure is applied to a fluid in a confined space, that pressure is transmitted equally in all directions. d. Downward pressure of a fluid in an open vessel is proportional to its depth If there are three

Friday, January 24, 2020

Slavery: A Building Block in the Foundation of Americas History Essay

Slavery was present preceding the European discovery of the Americas. It was limited to the conquered people of the indigenous nations and it was not widespread. This situation changed with the arrival of Europeans, as they possessed modern weapons with which they were able to overtake the most formidable segments of native tribes. Sickness introduced to the indigenous tribes by the Europeans reduced the enslaved population to the point that new workers were needed. A slave trade was brought into existence by this need. Slaves were still gathered from indigenous tribes, but they were supplemented with African slaves brought by ship. These events helped to forge the Americas into the prosperous cultures they eventually became. Slavery influenced culture during the revolutionary period with the beginnings of racism, this culture change initiated lawmaking concerning race, which started with the first emancipation around 1780. How these two topics were molded until the 1850's, and have remained present in the modern era of our lives will be proven in the following essay. The word racism is a term used to describe the believed differences between people of different colors, because of traits, morals, or intellectual prowess. These perceived differences cause a racist person to treat a person of color in ways that would be unaccepted by most people in their own race. [1] This practice, racism, was initiated in the 17th century to promote or justify the use of slaves in what was to become the United States. Racism is justified by many means including the bible, science, and hypothetical theories. A widespread religious following in the Americas became the basis for acceptance of racism using the bible for justification. It ran into... ...hudacoff, Fredrik Logevall, Beth Bailey, and Debra Michals. A People & A Nation: A history of The United States and A More Perfect Union. Mason, Ohio: Cengage Learning, 2010. [3]. Goldenberg, Amy Production Editor. RACE Are We So Different?. Arlington, VA: American Anthropological Association , 2010. (accessed March 20, 2012). [4]. Valbrun, Marjorie. "Rewriting the Script Won’t Change the Facts in the Trayvon Martin Case." April 2, 2012. Accessed April 12, 2012. [5]. Olafson, Steve. "Tulsa Shootings Evoke City's past Racial Violence." Reuters News Service. Accessed April 10, 2012.

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Corporate Culture: Help or Hindrance Essay

â€Å"The only thing of real importance that leaders do is to create and manage culture. If you do not manage culture, it manages you, and you may not even be aware of the extent to which this is happening.† Edgar Schein, professor MIT Sloan School of Management Nowadays, in the end of 2011, we can make a clear overview of the remarkable events that took place not a long time ago. And though some people might argue that the hardest economic crisis since 1929 still hasn`t finished, and is going to be continued, we are able to make certain conclusions and ask a couple of thrilling questions: â€Å"Why, when all other companies experienced dramatic collapse, some of them even managed not to reduce, but to increase their sales and market share?† Or â€Å"Why a company that has been operating for 200 years already is pushed out of its market by some barely known firm?† What makes these events possible? Magic? Well, you definitely will not believe it if you are older than 8 years old. Some highest creatures? Well, it is quite unlikely too. Santa Claus? Who knows, maybe†¦ But science believes that there are more realistic reasons for such events that in general are called invisible strategic assets. One of such assets, supposed b y most of the scientists as the most important one, is called corporate or organization culture [1]. To begin with, let us formulate, what is corporate or organization culture. By Edgar H. Schein organizational culture is defined as â€Å"A pattern of shared basic assumptions invented, discovered, or developed by a given group as it learns to cope with its problems of external adaptation and internal integration that have worked well enough to be considered valid and therefore, to be taught to new members as the correct way to perceive, think and feel in relation to those problems† [2]. As we can see, concept of corporate culture is of great importance for adaptation and general comfort of employees. But in nowadays tough economic conditions, this is definitely not the highest priority for an organization. Much more important is whether corporate culture can be a help for a company, and whether it can save money or make firm more profitable. To answer this complicated question that was a theme for creating of dozens of scientific books and hundreds of pages and years of research we will start with some facts from the history of development of this concept. Due to Naomi Stanford, the concept of organization dates its popular roots from 1980s. Then in 1982 two first books on importance of organization culture were published, and despite the fact, that they were strongly criticised, they attracted attention of business and became setters of new management trends. But at that moment of time these concepts were understood in not quite proper way, managers were trying to implement some cultural principles and waited for some kind of miracle. And though it hasn`t happened, scientists have developed the theory body and researched main aspects [3]. As we see, corporate culture has been existing for 25 years already, but does it actually work? To my personal opinion – yes, it does. It is intangible, you can hardly measure it or state whether it exists or not. You can not definitely say that: â€Å"these sales increased† or â€Å"our company has succeeded in this project because we have such great organization culture†. But all that events actually took place because of it. Because if not, how you can explain what has differentiated extraordinary successful firm that produce relatively same products from the others? For example, quite small studio Pixar that has confronted Disney marketplace has produced 11 hits cartoons out of 11 attempts. Every film of it was nominated for an Academy Award and Pixar has won the awards about three quarters of the time [5]. What these facts tell us about if not a specific, unique organization culture, that is implemented in this organization. Unfortunately, corporate culture is a phenomenon that is very hard to establish and moreover, to control if any aspects of the company`s functioning are to be changed, what creates a wrong impression about its necessity and productivity in general. However, despite all arguments we can confidently assert that corporate culture works and it is of great help for an organization. List of references: 1. Eric Flamholtz, Yvinne Randle – â€Å"Corporate Culture: The Ultimate Strategic Asset†; 2. Edgar H. Schein – â€Å"Organizational Culture and Leadership†; 3. Naomi Stanford – â€Å"Corporate Culture: Getting It Right†. 4. John P. Kotter – â€Å"Corporate Culture and Performance† 5. Kim S. Cameron, Robert E. Quinn – â€Å"Diagnosing and Changing Organizational Culture: Based on the Competing Values Framework†.

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

The Rehabilitation Of Homeless Offenders - 709 Words

CONCLUSION Once complete, it is anticipated the research will facilitate continued debate and long-term sustained impact on the physical, emotional and social wellbeing of the homeless offender. It is also to be hoped that additional benefits will occur from the research findings, including ensuring: †¢ The research will be made available for the development of further work into the rehabilitation of homeless offenders. †¢ Raising the profile of the homeless amongst academics and society, and encouraging continued informed debate. †¢ Raising the profile, status and impact of homelessness and the associated issues within the public, private and voluntary sectors. †¢ The ongoing professional development of the research team relating to the development of skills and furthering of knowledge. †¢ The ability of the research to inform improved and sustainable multi agency partnership working to meet identified priorities and needs within the homeless community. †¢ Provide targeted and detailed knowledge about the needs of the homeless offender, taking into account the needs of those who experience it, in order to shape policy across the region/nationally. †¢ Demonstrate the impact of imprisonment on already vulnerable people and ultimately influence decision makers, shape cohesive policy and enable service improvements to be made were necessary. REFERENCES Bell, J. Waters, S. (2014). Doing Your Research Project: A Guide For First Time Researchers. 6th ed. Berskshire:Show MoreRelatedWilkes Society Adult Residential Reentry Center799 Words   |  4 Pagesinclude at-risk youth, homeless individuals, homeless veterans, and the families of these groups of people. The Alston Wilkes Society is a statewide non-profit organization, providing services to all 46 counties in South Carolina. The agency is accredited by The Council on Accreditation and The American Correctional Association. As a nonprofit 501(c) (3) organization, The Alston Wilkes Society is dedicated to serving offenders, former offenders, veterans, at-risk youth, the homeless, and families inRead MorePrograms That Help Convicts Return Of The Community1520 Words   |  7 Pagesthem survive life outside of prison. These curriculums offer a lot of relevant knowledge according to each prisoner’s situation. 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